Masuk Daftar

pusat warna bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pusat warna"
  • pusat:    center; central; centre; centrum; navel; centre,
  • warna:    color; color and lustre; colour; hue; indigo;
  • warna:    color; color and lustre; colour; hue; indigo; tint; brian|colour; colors; colour, color; colours; colours, colors; discolour; people of colour; paint; rinse; discolor; dye; people of color; gloss; c
  • pusat:    center; central; centre; centrum; navel; centre, center; epicentre; epicentre, epicenter; heart; pivot; seat; down town; centering; middle; focus; federal; center field; plaza; source; pith; shoppin
  • warna-warna pan-afrika:    pan-african colours
  • aneka warna:    prismatic; colourful; multicoloured; variegated; multicolored
  • aprikot (warna):    apricot (color)
  • bagan-warna:    colour-schema
  • bahan-warna:    colorant; colouring matter
  • beraneka warna:    for a change; multicolored; multicoloured; particoloured; partycoloured; pinto; varicoloured; variegated; varicolored
  • bermacam warna:    motley
  • berubah warna:    turn colour; turned colour; turning colour; discolour
  • buta warna:    colour blind; daltonism; color blindness; colourblind; colourblind, colorblind; colour vision deficiency; colour blindness; color-blind; color vision deficiency; colour-blind
  • cairan warna:    colouring liquid
  • cas warna:    color charge
  • ◇ SFG-silicate glass is used as a fillter to prevent the color centers and reduce the thermal effects in the laser medium.
    ◇ Kaca silikat SFG digunakan sebagai pengisi untuk mencegah pusat warna dan mengurangi efek termal dalam media laser.
  • High efficiency thin-film multilayer MgF2 optics are similar to Calcium Fluoride in its resistance to water. The MgF2 windows are sensitive to thermal shock but do not leave. Irradiation does not lead to color centers.
    Optik MgF2 multilayer film tipis dengan efisiensi tinggi mirip dengan Kalsium Fluorida dalam ketahanannya terhadap air. Jendela MgF2 sensitif terhadap goncangan termal tetapi tidak pergi. Iradiasi tidak mengarah ke pusat warna.
  • William Maurice is a plant that has rosette-like peach and pink flowers. Closer to the center of the bud color more saturated, and outside it may be white. The flower is well resistant to spotting and powdery mildew, as it tolerates high humidity and long rains normally.
    William Maurice adalah tanaman yang memiliki persik dan bunga merah muda seperti roset. Lebih dekat ke pusat warna tunas lebih jenuh, dan di luar itu mungkin berwarna putih. Bunga ini tahan terhadap bercak dan embun tepung, karena mentolerir kelembaban tinggi dan hujan yang lama secara normal.